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The Grammar Chritable Incorporated Organisation

Structure and People

First registered in October 2015, the “CIO” (Charitable Incorporated Organisation) is a registered charity with the stated aims: THE OBJECT OF THE CIO IS THE PRESERVATION AND PROTECTION OF THE FORMER HEANOR GRAMMAR SCHOOL WHICH IS GRADE II LISTED WITHIN HEANOR, DERBYSHIRE.


NB: The Trustees are currently in the process of agreeing a broader set of charitable aims with Charities Commission and Companies House.


The CIO currently has 9 members of which 4 are trustees:

•Mrs Leonie George (Chair of Trustees)

•Mr Paul Taylor (Treasurer)

•Miss Katherine Lonsdale (Secretary)

•Mrs Kathryn Pressland (Trustee)


All current and previous accounts and annual reports for the CIO can be found on the Charities Commission website. #

Charity Number: 1163883


The purpose of the CIO is to have an organisation with the legal structure and oversight needed to play a more direct role in the future operation of the site, should that ever become necessary. This particular structure was chosen because as a registered charity with stated aims for the public benefit, the CIO can work proactively to ensure that the site is managed and run in a way that is focused on the public benefit, rather than just for profit.


The particular structure of a CIO allows trustees, on behalf of the organisation, to manage day to day business activities, hire employees, buy and sell property and invest capital; provided that it is demonstrated to be towards the CIO’s stated charitable aims.


It also means that the CIO must submit reports to, and receive oversight from, both HMRC and Charities Commission.​​

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